Client Testimonials

What clients say about working with Coach Melanie as their Weight Loss & Health Transformation Coach

Becky before working with Coach Melanie

Becky before working with Coach Melanie

After losing 52 pounds by being kind to myself, I had the self-confidence to get out there and get the better job I deserved.

“Melanie is completely amazing and, in my opinion, The World’s Best Coach!  I'm now down 52 pounds to date.  Melanie cares so much about me and my success and it means everything to me that she is always just a text or email away in-between our Coaching sessions whenever I have a question, something to share or need some extra TLC—and she is always quick to get back to me.

Becky now, down 52 pounds!

Becky now, down 52 pounds!

Working with Coach Melanie on my weight loss has had other major benefits too.  With her caring, support and helping me to believe in myself and my potential to accomplish not only my weight loss goals, but anything I set my mind to, I finally felt ready to go out there and get myself the better job I deserved. And I did!   

My weight loss success to date is a reflection of her constant support, encouragement and challenging me to do my best and take care of myself. 

I am so blessed and fortunate to be working with Coach Melanie!

I could not have done this without her.  If you are considering working with a professional, effective and caring Weight Loss Coach, Melanie is the one!"

— Becky Espinoza, Lyons, IL Human Resources Assistant

Donna before working with Coach Melanie

Donna before working with Coach Melanie

I ate out almost every day and still lost over 44 pounds!

"After a brutal winter of packing on 18 extra pounds when I was already overweight, I knew I had to do something to help myself.  Coach Melanie Jordan was the exact fix I needed to get me back on track.  I lost those 18 pounds and then some — 44.5 so far — with her support and I was selected as one of the 2015 Health Hero Award recipients from Healthy Lombard, our community’s anti-obesity organization.

Donna with Coach Melanie, down 44 pounds!

Donna with Coach Melanie, down 44 pounds!

I had done Weight Watchers and other programs before, but it never gave the support of a friend that is always there.  Melanie, as my Coach, is the expert friend I need that is available to ask a question, whether it be about picking a good choice at a restaurant, or about why I'm eating the wrong thing when I know it isn't serving me well.  When I eat too much of food not on my plan, she is the person to lift me up and get me back on track.  I can't say enough how supportive that is. She is understanding that we aren't perfect, and also allowed me a program that my lifestyle fits with - eating out almost every day! 

I am already fitting into the skinny jeans that were hanging in my closet that I couldn’t wear, am now exercising regularly and am fitter, my blood pressure has improved, and I am a more energetic person thanks to Melanie.

I am going to continue with Coach Melanie until I hit my ultimate weight loss goal, and stick with her to help me make sure I keep the weight off for good. I thought it was impossible to lose weight while eating all my favorite foods, but it isn't with her help. If you've given up, don't — please give Coach Melanie a try - I'm so glad I did! Thanks Melanie!!"

— Donna Nosek, Lombard, IL Senior Secretary

I have a new body for life eating and drinking the foods I like!

“Once I hit 40, the scale started creeping up and no matter what I tried (increasing exercise, fad diets, deprivation) nothing helped me lose any weight, let alone stop the slow weight gain until I started working with Coach Melanie.  I’d get frustrated and give up after a few weeks, thinking “this is just my body and there’s nothing I can do to change it”.  But, I was not happy with that, so a few weeks later I’d start the vicious cycle all over again.

Even though I’ve been an avid exerciser my whole adult life, and have always thought of myself as a healthy eater, Coach Melanie really opened my eyes to some of my not-so-healthy eating habits, and not just helped me see them, but helped me change them in a way I can — and want to.  She’s given ME the power to change.  That’s a huge thing — not to “take away foods” I like –but how to keep eating (and drinking!) the foods I like but do it in a smarter way.

Melanie has showed me that a few lifestyle tweaks can make all the difference — and I’m feeling more confident and excited than ever about “my new body — for life”.  She’s given me the strength to not give up and stay the course, no matter how slow or frustrating.  It WORKS!!!

One of the best things about Coach Melanie is she not only helps you with your eating and exercising but with your overall life goals and how they are incorporated in how we live each day. What makes you tick, what makes you happy, sad, motivated, etc. She is realistic, honest and opens your eyes in a way that makes you feel good about yourself, and feel positive. It’s truly a win-win!"

— Michelle Coppedge – Candler, NC Purchasing Coordinator

I lost 32 pounds and did my first 5K once I fired my diet app and hired Coach Melanie! 

“I started working with Coach Melanie to make sure I would keep losing weight after I had already begun my weight loss journey on my own.  In the 8 months we’ve worked together I’ve lost over 32 additional pounds, met my goal of walking in my first 5K, joined a gym and diversified my workouts to include HIIT and strength training.  I even received a Health Hero Award from Healthy Lombard, my local community anti-obesity organization for all the positive changes I’ve made in my life. 

Melanie helps me stay motivated and encourages me when the scale sometimes wouldn’t budge, and taught me to ignore the advice of an app that had me consuming too few calories to properly fuel my body for workouts and continued weight loss success.

I always look forward to our coaching sessions as fun conversations that help me stay on track and get solid information and guidance.

Even after I hit my goal weight, I’m going to keep working with Coach Melanie to make sure that I have a solid plan in place to keep from ever gaining the weight back.”

— Cindy Musiel, Lombard, IL RN, Compliance Nurse Auditor

I lost 15 pounds without even trying by learning to put my health and happiness first

“Coach Melanie is a caring, compassionate Coach who helped me get back on track with several areas that I wanted to improve.  I now feel way less stressed and more positive about life’s changes that come my way.  My work and personal life is much more in balance, and I have so much more energy!  She helped me learn to not think of myself as a failure if I didn't achieve everything I wanted, and by helping me set smaller goals and realize I didn't have to be 100% all the time, I learned to be an achiever and not to see myself as a failure if I wasn't always (or ever for that matter), 100%.

Coach Melanie also really assisted me in creatively brainstorming many ways to make sure I eat regularly and healthfully, get to the gym and put my health and happiness first. And from all the other healthy changes I made, I even had the added benefit of losing 15 pounds without even trying!

I always looked forward to my time with Melanie each week as it was fun, insightful and energizing. Thanks to Melanie’s help, I feel confident that I’ll be able to do all the activities I want as I get older and live life to the fullest!”

— Cheryl Behrens, Lombard, IL Retired Librarian

The ups and downs of the scale have finally stopped!

"Patient, caring and knowledgeable . . . Melanie is all of these things and more. During our time spent together, Coach Melanie has helped me to see the “not so obvious” when it comes to my food choices and habits. Always trying to shed a few extra pounds, but more importantly, trying to maintain my weight in a healthy manner has been my struggle for as long as I can remember. The up and down of the scale seems to have stopped and the poor eating with it. I'm back to regular exercise and now feel strong, confident and in a very good place.

There have been many, many instances when I needed a few extra minutes to plan for the week ahead in a detailed fashion and Melanie was always generous with her time - which is rare today.

Her genuine concern for my wellbeing makes her not just my coach, but also my friend. Many thanks for your help."

— Lora Longo, Lombard, IL

I can finally fit into my next size smaller clothes!

"Coach Melanie really got my weight loss back on track. I had been stuck, and once we started working together, I not only started losing weight again, but I was doing so quicker than I had in the past months. It was great to be able to fit into some of the next size smaller clothes that had been hanging in my closet!

One of the best parts about Melanie's coaching is that she gets me focused on looking inside myself and really think about what's possible. By taking it a step at a time, she helped me find effective ways to eat a more balanced diet and get more exercise into my week--including working out with weights.

She also really helped me be more mindful and stop eating out of boredom and stress, and worked with me on handling real life situations like eating out and vacationing.

Melanie is very down-to-earth and will be there to guide you every step of the way with humor, understanding and dedication to your success."

Carol Haynes, Baltimore, MD Accounting Manager

I stopped the stress eating and started losing weight again!

“I went from feeling stressed with no energy to feeling great!

With Coach Melanie, I found ways to get regular exercise back into my schedule, eat healthier and stop stress eating. She opened my eyes to what I was eating and got me making conscious choices about what I put into my body every day. And while it wasn't my primary focus, I even started losing some weight again.”

Melanie is friendly, funny, caring and helped me make real progress towards a healthier, happier me."

Debbie S., Apollo Beach, FL

I lost 15 pounds simply from making healthy changes without even focusing on losing weight!

“Coach Melanie was the perfect coach for me when I was finally ready to get healthier!

She didn’t push me to do more than I was prepared to do, and helped me make small, incremental changes that I am turning into healthy lifelong habits. I recommend her to anyone who needs encouragement to become a healthier, happier version of themselves!”

Peggy Sullivan, Tampa, FL

Coach Melanie is a masterful coach who inspires me!

“Melanie's creativity and brilliance in coaching seems like an effortless dance - she is smooth, curious, engaged, and authentic. Her coaching creates a lovely space where her clients can easily discover, grow, learn, and succeed. It was my pleasure to partner with Melanie - she inspired me and I too learned from her masterful coaching.”

— Christina Lombardo, PhD, Wellcoaches, OhioHealth,

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